Inverlonan Explore


Sauna, swim, paddle, hike…

The Sauna

The Sauna

An integral part of any Bothy Experience! A bespoke, secluded, lochside, wood-fired sauna. Steam, dip, steam repeat. Available to our guests for £50 for an exclusive use 3-hour slot. Also available to non-residents for £100.

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Explore Loch Nell

Explore Loch Nell

With a wild swim or 2… Or take the double kayak, SUPs or sit on top kayaks to explore Loch Nell and its ancient Rubh na Moine crannog. Each bothy also has a fishing rod (fly rod on request). Special prize of £100 for an
Arctic Char…

Explore Inverlonan

Explore Inverlonan

We farm native sheep (Hebridean and Shetland) and cattle (Luing) organically. We have a 100 ha native broadleaf woodland with black grouse. We sit in a Golden Eagle range with frequent visits from white tailed sea eagles, hen harriers and many more. We have the Black
Lochs and SSSI to the north. We have a comprehensive environmental scheme across the land protecting habitats and improving biodiversity – the marsh fritillary butterfly is thriving. We are rich with Neolithic and Iron Age relics: The Strontoiller Stone circle, 13ft Clach Na Caraig standing stone and more. All is there for you to explore!

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